Sunday, April 8, 2012

Kamado Hamburgers

I wanted to try hamburgers on the steel kamado. I tried to research this online regarding cooking temperature and time with only a bit of luck. (I found a nice YouTube video in Swedish that was lost on me.)
It seemed that there is not a lot out there about Kamado burgers. Now I think I know why. To me they seemed about the same as if I had done them on the Weber (20+ years experience on that) or one of several cylindrical LP gas grill smokers that I've had over the past several years. Currently I have a Brinkmann unit:
This has been great for winter cooking and usable outdoors on the porch down to about 10F.
But I digress; I cooked the burgers directly on lump charcoal at 350F-375F per the Char-Griller Kamado Kooker's Dome thermometer (which I had tested in our kitchen oven for accuracy as I put the Kamado together).
 I did about 2 minutes and then flipped and another 2 minutes and then flipped and then another 7 minutes all with the dome closed after each step plus the last 2 minutes I toasted the buns on the elevated rack. 

They were just delicious and done through but quite juicy. However, not very different from my experiences on the cookers noted above.

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